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How to Lower Household Bills in 2025 with NZ Compare
Jan 10, 2025

Start 2025 right by lowering household bills and saving money!

Summer is here, and we are so happy to be enjoying the sun, the sea, the smell of barbeques, and spending time with loved ones. If you are feeling the pinch of the cost of living, it’s okay, we understand. You are not alone. Here at NZ Compare, we are on a mission to help Kiwis save money where possible, leveraging the power of knowledge to empower you to make better choices with your finances. 

As such, we have put together a guide of our top  tips to help you save some money this summer so you can relax that little bit more, and enjoy the season. 

1. Compare Bills

One of the most effective ways to save money, comparing bills should become a regular part of your finance well-being habits. At NZ Compare, we have a range of comparison platforms designed to empower you to compare different household bills so you can find a better deal and unlock savings that make a difference. Compare your broadband, power, mobile, and other finances such as your insurances and home loan. 

When you have the knowledge readily and easily available to you, you are more likely to make a better choice with your money and therefore, purchase plans that offer you more value for your unique needs. Our platforms allow you to select preferences such as endless data when comparing mobile plans, so you can compare the options that best suit your unique needs and find the cheapest option. When you make a regular habit of comparing, you avoid falling victim to rising industry prices, and therefore, loyalty tax. It only takes a few minutes to compare and switch. With our bias-free, hassle-free, and free to use platforms, you can find savings and put your budget in a better position for the summer. 

Why Compare My Bills?

2. Reduce Power Consumption

Power bills are notorious for being high and inconsistent, changing with the seasons, industry price increases, and our consumption. We can take back some control of our power bill by reducing the amount of electricity we use. There are many simple ways you can do this. Swap your traditional light bulbs to LED light bulbs, as these are more energy efficient. Consider investing in energy efficient appliances, especially if you have old ones sitting at home such as an old fridge or chest freezer. The more energy efficient, the less energy it will use! There are many ways you can save on power around the house. 

6 Ways to Lower your Electricity Bill

3. Cancel Subscriptions

In summer, you are going to be spending more time outside and less time streaming. It’s a good idea to go ahead and cancel subscriptions you just don’t use often enough. Especially consider cancelling subscriptions to streaming services if you have multiple going. You likely only need one! These subscriptions can add up to be a hefty bill when combined and you’ll notice a difference in your budget when you cancel superfluous subscriptions. 

4. Plan the Grocery Shop

Groceries are another high bill plaguing Kiwis. You may need to be a little more strategic this summer, and going forward, in order to keep the final total within budget. To avoid that eye-watering receipt, consider planning your meals for the week – including lunches, dinners, and snacks. Write a list of the items you need for those meals. Be sure to check your pantry, fridge and freezer to see what items you already have. Then, shop for your groceries based only on that list. This will help prevent you from aimlessly adding items to your trolley when in store. 

You can also plan meals that require cheaper ingredients. For example, you could add a curry to the menu but swap out the chicken breast for a tin of chickpeas. Still nutritious, but a cheaper alternative. Another hack to grocery shopping is to order your groceries online. This can help you avoid the temptations of items in the store, and see your total before checking out, so you can search for cheaper alternatives. 

5. Compare Savings Accounts

Have your money work for you. Jump on Money Compare to compare different savings accounts and find one that has an interest rate and terms and conditions that align with your financial goals. While this hack won’t lower your bills, it is a great way to build your savings, making your money positively work for you. A great way to boost your savings in the background is to set up an automatic transfer each time you get paid. That way, you don’t have to remember to transfer the funds, and the account can grow in your sleep, helping you to save money in no time!

Compare Savings Accounts

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