6 Ways to Stay Focused and Productive with Broadband Compare
Aug 15, 2024

The middle of the year can feel like a drag. Here are 6 ways to re-focus, and feel more productive!

The mid-year slump is real. Many of us are feeling it. The decreased motivation, lack of energy, and overall reduced focus and productivity. While the winter blues can absolutely be a real thing and can definitely get us down, it’s important to learn to pick yourself up and keep moving forward. If you are struggling at work, school, or in your personal life, we have gathered our top 6 ways to stay focused and productive. 

1. Plan Your Day 

It can help you to feel a little more organised and less overwhelmed about your day ahead if you make a plan. Note down any meetings for the day, any important tasks, and the order in which they should be done. This can help you easily tick things off as you go, and feel a sense of accomplishment, which will boost your motivation to keep going. 

2. Choose a Single Goal for the Day

Perhaps your goal for the day is to complete the hardest task on your to-do list in only an hour. Whatever it is, set yourself a small goal for the day, and reward yourself when you complete it, even if that reward is just enjoying an hour to stream your favourite show. When you achieve that small goal, you’ll feel another sense of accomplishment and the positive reinforcement of the reward will help foster motivation to get that thing done. 

3. Move Your Body

It’s important to exercise regularly to help our sense of focus and productivity. Did you know that exercise can help boost our brain’s function by improving our ability to learn, problem solve, and concentrate. You’ll feel so much better when you get some movement in, even if it’s just a morning walk around the block. Don’t forget to jump on PriceMe to shop for your at-home fitness equipment. We have the scoop on the best prices for treadmills, exercise bikes, weights, and other workout equipment so that you can move your body without paying more than you need to!

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4. Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries, and getting enough rest, is the true key to consistent productivity. How can you complete your work, study, or creative tasks if you have not allowed yourself time to rest? Set boundaries with yourself, such as making sure you finish work or study for the day by 4:30pm and switching off all notifications that are related. Also make sure you are not taking on more work than you can handle. It is healthy to say no, or allocate another day or time to work on a task. You don’t have all the time in the world, and you are only human after all!

5. Establish a Morning Routine

A morning routine can set the tone for the day. Your morning routine should establish a healthy tone for the day, and set you up for success. Everyone will have different ‘rituals’ that help them feel better, and create a sense of productivity. It’s always a good idea to get in some sunlight and fresh air. So step outside, if the weather is right, or set up your treadmill next to the window, so you can get some steps in and some light into your eyes. You’ll feel more awake and ready to tackle the day. You could also add some mental stimulation to your morning routine, such as a language learning lesson on Duolingo, or brain games that involve maths or problem solving. 

6. Choose the Right Internet Speed

In this day and age, our work, study, and creative projects are very often online. You’ll want to be on the right internet speed for your needs. Depending on what you use the internet for, and how many people are in your household, your internet speed needs will be different from someone else. 

For example, if you live in a house of only two people and you only use the internet for browsing, emails, and basic streaming, you’ll likely only need an internet speed of 50/100 Mbps – aka fibre 50. However, if your household is larger, and you use the internet for work, video calling, streaming and gaming, you may need fibre 300 or even fibre 900 internet plan. It’s important to consider your online activities, needs and preferences when choosing your internet plan. Otherwise, your productivity could be hindered by frustrating buffering, lagging and interruptions. Establish a foundation that will enable your productivity so you can keep achieving your goals, without being slowed down! Jump on Broadband Compare to compare broadband plans available to you within minutes. Find the right internet plan and speed, and avoid paying for more than you need. Get connected, save money, and thrive!

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